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Programas y Actividades

Tier 1: These behaviors are examples of misconduct and offenses that result in a progressive four-step consequence system:

  • Picking on, bothering other students (including teasing, invasion of personal space, making noises, distracting others nearby)

  • Technology violation (See Technology Use Agreement) 

  • Use of profanity or vulgar language (not directed toward adult)

  • Failure to follow directions (including off-task behavior, doing something other than what was requested by the teacher/staff, not doing work)

  • Tardiness (any class)

  • Property (taking something that belongs to someone else, destroying someone’s work)

  • Dishonesty

  • Failure to follow school rules (gum, litter, dress code--no hats, no hoods, inappropriate objects)

  • Eating in class without permission

  • ‘Roughhousing’ or play fighting

  • Throwing things or littering


Students unable to adhere to classroom behavioral expectations can expect to receive logical consequences which are intended to assist the student in developing a clearer understanding of respectful, responsible, kind and safe behavior. The progressive four-step consequences include:


Step 1: Written reflection that requires a parent/guardian signature.

Student completes a Reflection form to the teacher’s satisfaction, describing his/her behavior and the impact on the class, the teacher, and/or his/her learning. Parent/guardian signature is required.


Step 2: Written reflection that requires a parent/guardian signature, an email, and a 15-minute detention 

Student completes a reflection form to teacher’s satisfaction describing his/her behavior and the impact on the class, the teacher, and/or his/her learning. Signature required and email to parent/guardian.


Step 3: Written reflection that requires a parent/guardian phone call or conference, plus a 30-minute detention.

Student completes a reflection form describing his/her behavior and the impact on the class, the teacher, and/or his/her learning.  Signature required and parent/guardian phone call or conference required.


Step 4: Office Referral. If the behavior has not improved the teacher completes an Office Referral form and sends the student to the office along with all three (3) student written reflections. A parent/guardian will receive a phone call from the Administration describing the consequence.


Buddy Class.  A student may be sent to another classroom to write a reflection about the behavior that impacted the learning environment  and independent work to complete in the Buddy class at any time during a class period. This reflective assignment is returned to the sending teacher, and a copy is sent home to the parent/guardian. The teacher may arrange a conference with the parent/guardian, student, and an administrator. 


Referral for Additional Support (COST - Coordination of Services Team). A teacher can refer a student to COST for additional academic, social-emotional, and/or behavioral supports after the student has not responded to Tier 1 interventions (more than one).


Outside-of-Class Misconduct during Lunchtime (including food deliveries), Hallways, Bathroom, Break, Afterschool 

Appropriate consequence(s) include: in-school or after-school detention, loss of preferred activity or privilege, written reflections, and/or

community service.


Tier 2: These behaviors are examples of misconduct and offenses that result in a progressive administrative consequences:

  • Repeated failure to follow directions (including off-task behavior, doing something other than what was requested the teacher)

  • Cutting class, repeatedly truant

  • Property (taking something that belongs to someone else, destroying someone’s work)

  • Dishonesty

  • Cheating, forging other’s signatures, copying others’ work or allowing another to copy work

  • Failure to follow school rules (gum, litter, dress code, inappropriate objects)

  • Defiance, refusing to stop inappropriate behavior (in the bathroom, hallways, lunchtime, after school)

  • Intentional destruction of school property (including graffiti and tagging)

  • Sustained disrespectful behavior

  • Use of profanity toward adults


Tier 3: These behaviors are examples of misconduct and offenses that result in a progressive administrative consequences:

  • Fighting (mutual combat, altercation or instigating a physical altercation or instigating a physical altercation)

  • Bringing dangerous prohibited items to class

  • Causing, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another

  • Threatening physical harm 

  • Possessing a controlled substances, including marijuana (not under the influence, with no intent to sell) - Capitola PD involved

  • Causing an unsafe situation by not following directions

  • Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property

  • Bullying/harassment (based on race, gender, disability, sexuality, and other protected classes, or pushing, poking, tripping, shoving, or making threats)

  • Engaging in sexual behavior on campus

  • Sexual harassment  (uncomfortable, embarrassing, and/or offensive)


Increased Severity Tier 3: These behaviors are examples of misconduct and offenses that result in a progressive administrative consequences:

  • Fighting (one-sided fighting—one student physically harms another)

  • Sexual harassment (severe or pervasive conduct of a sexual nature)

  • Bullying (severe or pervasive conduct, including online conduct, that has a detrimental effect on physical or mental health)

  • Possession of an imitation firearm, such as a BB gun

  • Using (under the influence of) a controlled substance, including marijuana - Capitola PD involved

  • Harassment or threats against a student witness

  • Threatening to cause physical injury 

  • Possession of a knife, taser, stun gun, or other dangerous objects 

  • Committed or threatening assault or battery on a school employee

  • Recording and/or sharing/posting physical altercations, or footage intended to harm or promote


Most Serious Offenses: These behaviors are examples of misconduct and offenses that result in an expulsion process and/or legal intervention 

  • Committed or attempted sexual assault or battery

  • Caused serious physical harm to another person (except in self-defense)

  • Committed robbery (taking property directly from someone) 

  • Selling or intent to sell a controlled substance, including marijuana - Capitola PD is involved

  • Possessing, selling, or furnishing a firearm

  • Possession of an explosive

  • Brandishing a knife

  • Sending graphic, explicit images or videos that are violent or sexual nature


Unless the referral is for a minor infraction, the parent/guardian will be contacted. Students in possession of weapons, drugs or drug paraphernalia, or explosive devices, are subject to arrest, citation by the police, suspension from school, and possible expulsion from Soquel Union Elementary School District. Prohibited items not taken by the police as evidence will be confiscated and returned to the student’s parent/guardian during a conference with an administrator. 

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